Optimized & ready to use Solutions

For all your business needs

We do all the hard work for you, so that you can relax and focus on doing you business. We get on ground to bring your goods from its origin country to your store, without you having to go through any hassle.

We even import goods, products from world class brands ourselves so that you can purchase it in our retail store with originality of that product guaranteed.


Business Focused Services!


Our sister companies imports and exports various goods and products from and to various nearby and far countries; both for our selves and clients. We import items like but not limited to garments, electronics and export national productions.

FREIGHT and Cargo handling

We have been handing freight and cargoes of many big companies of Nepal for many years now.  We provide hassle free handling and transport services of legal cargoes from all borders of Nepal to stores of clients.

Jewellery import & Distribution

We hold authorized license to import and distribute ornaments and other jewellery items all over the country. In addition to that, we also provide the production service of custom designed jewellery to our clients if needed.

Customs Clearing

One of our sister companies holds customs clearing agent’s license. We have been providing customs clearing services for many companies of Nepal, some of which are big industries. Our chairman is ex-president of Federation of Customs Clearing Agents of Nepal (FCAN).

Brands We Work With